Architecture and Art - Cross Disciplinary Forum
2019秋季 實踐大學建築設計學系 國際建築師系列講座02暨城市學
2019 SCAD Fall Term - Department of Architecture, Shih Chien University
Shih Chien Lecture Series of Leading Architects 02 + Urbanology
日期 Date
19:00-21:30 2019.11.06
地點 Location
實踐大學台北校區 MNB2國際會議廳
Building M/N B2F, Taipei Campus, Shih Chien University
主持人 Moderator
Chun-Hsiung Wang (Head of the Department of Architecture, Shih Chien University)
主講人 Main Speaker
Winy Maas(MVRDV Founder)
崔廣宇 Kuang-Yu Tsui(Artist)
與談人 Speaker
Ching-Yueh Roan (Professor at the Department of Art and Design, Yuan Ze University)
主辦 Organizer
Department of Architecture, Shih Chien University, Chinese Institute of Urban Design, Alliance for Architectural Modernity Taiwan
媒體協力 Media sponsor
Artco Monthly & Investment
In this forum, Winy introduced many wonderful projects executed by MVRDV, including the Taipei Western Gateway Project “C1/D1 Taipei Twin Towers”, which was successfully tendered for construction, but currently faced abandonment. Kuang-Yu Tsui and Antre+Arhitects raised questions through a virtual development project “Taipei Twin Peaks” taking place at the Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab. In a city that only cares about development benefits and maximizing values, how to generate the purpose of art and culture, environment ecology, and housing justice?
Both designs are in the form of two towers, the two imaginations about the city are intertwined in a subtle dialogue. One of the designs was part of the city’s urban development plan that was already tendered and ready to be executed, but in the end, discarded due to political factors. The other being a fictional development project that occurred on the site that was for art and culture, faced the inevitable competition from many development forces, no one can guarantee if this site will remain a real cultural area in the future or not.